
“I appreciate the nourishing energy of the home we are in now, how I feel grateful every night whilst embracing my partner to where life has brought us in such unexpected ways. “

[Zee in her old bedroom, 2017]

Firstly, how have you been?

“After one year being in Australia, I still feel like I'm transitioning into this new place I call home. Feeling more rooted to this new land as time goes by, but still transitioning. It's a process.”

Are you still in the same bedroom?

“Not anymore, different country and different bedroom.”

Looking back at your bedroom in 2017, what has changed?

“Life feels simpler and less chaotic now as compared to back then in 2017. I choose simplicity nowadays, perhaps it's the 'getting older' phase. I was overwhelmed and going through quite a lot back in 2017 - finishing university, got a new job that I loved, just got out of a relationship.”

[Zee in her new bedroom, 2021]

Can you paint us a picture of what life was like for you back then?

“It was extremely colourful filled with overwhelming emotions and reflections. It was probably the first time I recognised what a little baby I was in this life I am in. There is so much I did not know and there is so much to learn. I was very hungry to live and experience. It was a time when I decided to invest in my dance career and take it more seriously.”

What do you love about your bedroom?

“My bedroom now is in a home I just recently moved into with my partner and two other friends. Hence, the plainness of it. I appreciate the nourishing energy of the home we are in now, how I feel grateful every night whilst embracing my partner to where life has brought us in such unexpected ways.”

What does your bedroom mean to you?

“My bedroom is a symbol of independence. Independence and dependence has been a huge conversation within myself. I always felt like our lives are constantly dependent on others and it felt very frustrating. I've been working on being more independent with myself this past year. Having our own place to call home was one of the steps towards independence and I am happy to have achieved that.”

How much time do you spend in your bedroom?

“Not much time in the day at all (unless Im getting dressed), only for sleeping at night. Life has been pretty 'normal' in Australia as they've been really great at handling COVID-19 here. So I am usually out and about during the day or if I'm home, there are so many different spaces in the house to hang out in. The understanding of space is significantly different here compared to London, especially the space I was living in. In London, spending time at home was basically spending time in my bedroom as it was a 1-bedroom apartment whereas here the bedroom is only associated with sleeping and resting.”

What's the most recent addition to your bedroom?

“It would be everything in there as we just moved into this new house.”

What inspired you to decorate your room this way?

“As we do not spend much time in the bedroom, not much effort is invested in decorating the room. We've got plans, but it's coming together very slowly.... For now just for functional reasons - a bed to sleep on and a cupboard for our wardrobe to get dressed.”

If you could change anything about your bedroom, what would it be?

“I would love to add more subtle colours to embrace a restful energy in it. Definitely some frames to add on the walls perhaps.”

In 4 years time, where do you want to be?

“I would love to be in Australia and perhaps a little baby on its way as being a mother has always been a strong calling of mine. Definitely still dancing and travelling the world (when COVID is finally gone)!”